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Investment education articles & tips

There is so much that goes into property investment and ensuring that you’ll reach your financial and lifestyle goals by retirement. We believe everyone should have access to quality information and have made available numerous resources to help you build your knowledge and learn what no to do when investing in property and planning for your retirement. Start reading our blogs, newsletters and articles and watching out videos today to start learning!

One more look at predicting the Future

In the previous article, we discussed one of the key factors in developing a long-term wealth building strategy  -  the need to “predict”, or at least make assumptions about, how household cashflows will change over time.  Before starting any investment with a goal of building wealth, it is critical to have a clear picture of the anticipated...

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Another look at Predicting the Future

In a previous article, we discussed one of the key factors in developing a long-term wealth building strategy  -  the need to “predict”, or at least make assumptions about, how key variables affecting the outcome of the strategy will change in the future.  For example, a strategy involving the use of borrowed money will need to include an as...

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Predicting the Future

In previous articles, we have been looking at the inputs to and outcomes from an investment strategy, and have identified the return on an investment asset, generally made up of some combination of growth and yield, as a key measure of the performance of that asset. We are able to obtain information on the recent growth and current yield of diff...

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Another Look at Risk

In previous articles, we have been looking at the inputs to and outcomes from an investment strategy.  We have looked at the way the amount of money, the amount of time and the amount of knowledge that you put into an investment can influence the outcome, and how the use of other people’s time, money and knowledge ( which we referred to as lever...

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The 7 Biggest Property Investment Mistakes

If I were to ask you what do you feel more comfortable with, investing in shares or property? The majority of people would say property.  The reason for this is because property is something that we all have experienced in our lives, so naturally we automatically assume we understand it better than shares or managed funds.  Shares on the other h...

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Another look at Leverage

In earlier articles in this series, we have been discussing the “inputs” that will be required for an Investment Strategy, talking about the different ways that money, time and knowledge will be required to plan, implement and manage an Investment Strategy and how these factors may impact on the outcome of that strategy. In the previous arti...

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Return on Investment

What defines Return on Investment and how it differs for Property and other Financial Assets? And how do you align your expectation and the reality of the returns? In previous articles we've been discussing the “outputs” that we are seeking from an Investment Strategy.  Most importantly, we will be looking for ongoing capital growth o...

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