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Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

In the Hot Seat | Ben Kingsley

API Magazine – Ben Kingsley in the hotseat - Nov 2014 THUMBNAILIn the November 2014 issue, Australian Property Investor Magazine (API Magazine) puts Ben Kingsley in the Hot Seat and chat to him about how Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) can better protect and educate the stakeholders in the currently unregulated property investment industry. Here’s a snippet of the interview:

“What does PIPA do? The Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) is the peak association for professionals who work in the property investment industry. Our goal is two-fold. We aim to increase the professional skills and standards of practitioners who work in the property investment field through better training and education, and secondly, we want to inform and protect consumers from unscrupulous operators.

How does it protect consumers? Given property investment isn’t regarded as a financial product, it doesn’t come under government regulation. This means that anyone can put on a nice suit and smooth talk unsuspecting customers into…”

Click on the article to read more.

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