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Why Should You Use a Buyers Agent?

Why use a Buyers Agent? What is a Buyers Agent Fee? Is a Buyers Agent Fee worth the money? How do Buyers Agents get paid? Is it really necessary? Find out the answer to all of these questions and more as Bryce Holdaway answers the pressing question in his latest How to Video, Why Should You Use a Buyers Agent? Hi folks, today I want to consider Why...

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Make Money Simple Again on Today Show!

This time on Channel 9’s Today Show, Ben introduces his and Bryce’s brand new book, Make Money Simple Again!  Knowing that plenty of mums and dads out there are struggling with their money habits, trapping surplus and putting their “money to work”, this book is the designed to make this easy. Peter Stefanovic: The time now for The Weekend ...

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Today: Weekend Property — The Bank of Mum and Dad

This time on Channel 9's Today Show, Bryce and Ben as co hosts of The Property Couch, talk to Peter Stefanovic and Alison Langdon about the "bank of mum and dad". So... what is this investment strategy and how does it help first home buyers get on the ladder? And no, it doesn't necessarily mean parents dip into retirement savings... Peter Stefa...

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The Story Behind The Numbers – August 2018

Hello, Ben Kingsley here. Welcome to the August edition of The Story Behind the Numbers. It’s been a bit of solid month— just before we're coming into the Spring buying season. We had 22 plans that we created for clients, in terms of next-step Plans or 4 Property Portfolio Plans. We're going to be recommending 19 investment properties for thos...

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The Story Behind The Numbers – July 2018

At Empower Wealth, we are truly lucky to work with many different clients from various aspects of life. And the thing we love most is... each and everyone that we've worked with has an inspiring story behind them. Because at the end of the day, we work with real people, real money and real properties. And we build real plans based on real dreams...

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Why is it So Hard to Build a Passive Income?

Today I want to talk about one of the reasons why I think it's a little bit difficult to build a passive income for a lot of people. For me, it's about setting the goal in the first place. I've got a virtual mentor, Michael Hyatt, who talks about how to set goals. He talks about goals being in either the comfort zone, the discomfort zone, or th...

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Warning Signs

Ben appears in Money Magazine’s November article, Warning Signs, this time speaking with the prospective of his position as Chair of Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA). Why? As the article title suggests, unfortunately many property investors are falling prey to the spiels and spruiks of “advisors” who are making over-the...

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“The best investment I’ve ever made cost me $10”

As well as his cover story Why Negative Gearing Still Works featuring in October’s edition of Money Magazine, Bryce also appears in The Hot Seat! In this one-pager, Bryce explains how flipping burgers for his first job taught him negotiation tactics and why the best investment decision he’s ever made only cost him $10!! As you might be able t...

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Where to Invest $10k – A Guide to Rentvesting

Ben is a front cover star on this month's Money Magazine issue!!!  So where does he think you should invest $10,000? Well, you can't buy an investment property with $10k, but you can definitely invest in your potential!! This is a golden insight, particularly after his article, A Guide to Rentvesting, the new way to invest, especially for the...

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Bad Time for Property Investment?

Ben appears again in Money Magazine’s Special Edition issue, this time in a Q&A surrounding some hard questions about the current market climate for property investors. With the spotlight on changes to borrowing, Federal Budget restrictions and depreciation claims, a light shadow looms on certain investors. Is it a bad time for property inves...

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