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Bryce Holdaway Blog post by Bryce Holdaway

Smoke and Mirrors

Like any other sector, there are tricks of the real estate trade that a property investor needs to be aware of. In order to ensure that you aren’t paying any unnecessary costs when investing into a new property, this article provides tips and analogies of what to avoid and look out for when dealing with real estate agents. In order to help you stay on top your game and keep your poker face going, Bryce Holdaway and other buyers agent mention sneaky tricks and types of buyers’ agents to avoid in the October 2016 Issue of Australian Property Investor Magazine.

As Bryce says, when you’re interested in a property, “Don’t go weak at the knees. Say ‘I may have some interest. Please keep me posted…”

In other words, don’t let your guard down. Do your research on the property and make sure you have an estate agent that will be able to answer all of your queries and are able to provide you with the information needed.

For further information, click on the image on the left to read the rest of the article.

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