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A Piece of Cake

Creating a successful property investment portfolio is much like following a recipe - but get your ingredients wrong and your investment cake might sink, burn or crumble. In the August 2014 Issue of Smart Property Investment (SPI) Magazine, Ben Kingsley writes about the various experience he had with property investors and how they build their pro...

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The Great Australian Dream

A greater number of Australians are dreaming of building wealth through property, and it's not hard to see why. In this June 2014 Issue of Smart Property Investment Magazine (SPI), Ben writes about how the great Australian dream has changed over time and how it has affect the property investment industry.   "Thousands upon thousands of Australian ...

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How to Move past Investment Property One?

Let's face it. Growing your property portfolio is not an easy feat. There are a number of hoops you must jump through and you need to have nerves of steel to deal with unexpected issues arising from your investments. Yet there are many ordinary investors who are creating extraordinary wealth through property. So why are so many investors getting st...

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Retire Sooner and Richer

Maximising your profits through property investing may be best achieved over the long term, but there are smart strategies you can use now to fast-track your profit an retire sooner. In the December 2013 Issue of Your Investment Property Magazine (YIP Magazine), Ben Kingsley, our CEO & Founder contributed to the cover story: Retire Sooner and ...

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How to create an insanely effective purchase plan

If you’ve started off buying property haphazardly, with no clear plan on when and what to buy next, you’re not alone. Many of us buy what we can when we can, most of the time. But, according to experts, doing it this way is not only inefficient but also attracts unnecessary risk. Without a clear game plan on how you’re going to grow your por...

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Buy Property with Zero Repayments

Wouldn’t you love to own a rental property that doesn’t cost you a cent in repayments? Imagine how nice would it be to have the investment property paying for itself and you needn't worry about skipping a weekend out to save the money needed to that next loan repayment. Well, it is possible – you just get the tenant to pay the mortgage. With ...

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Earn $2,500 a Week by Building a Property Portfolio

How often have you found yourself picturing a retirement where you’re enjoying regular overseas holidays, spending your spare time with your grandkids and leisurely filling up your days doing all the things you love? We all have but we’re brought down to earth quickly by reports suggesting there won’t be enough money for a comfortable retirem...

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