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Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

The Great Australian Dream

SPI Magazine – The great Australian Dream - June 2014A greater number of Australians are dreaming of building wealth through property, and it’s not hard to see why. In this June 2014 Issue of Smart Property Investment Magazine (SPI), Ben writes about how the great Australian dream has changed over time and how it has affect the property investment industry.   Thousands upon thousands of Australian purchase an investment property each year – and hundreds of thousands more aspire to. And it’s not just by chance. Property is an accessible, trusted, source of wealth that can help just about anyone build a better financial future. Moreover, it’s an asset class that many can relate to and understand better than other investment options. It goes without saying that property is at heart of the Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) and it’s an asset that each of our members believes strongly in…. Click on the article to read more.

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