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Private Sales vs Auctions

Have you ever wondered why some properties are sold privately and some others via auction? Who determines which method should be used to sell a property, and why? This time on 774 ABC Radio Melbourne, Ben Kingsley put on his buyer’s agent hat to talk about private sales vs auctions. In some states such as Victoria, we often see more auction act...

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2016 Predictions on the Australian Property Market

As we finished off 2015 and inevitably start with 2016, it is always common to think about what might happened in the year to come. This time on 774 ABC Radio Melbourne, Ben Kingsley was asked to provide some of his 2016 Predictions for the Australian Property Market. Whilst we are not psychic in any way, Ben does have a thorough understanding on h...

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ABC Melbourne Radio – Bryce Holdaway with Jon Faine

Bryce Holdaway, Director, Property Advisor and Buyers Agent of Empower Wealth was interviewed by Jon Faine from ABC Melbourne Radio with the topic of the day; how is Australian's housing choices changing and what is the trend looking like? In this session, Bryce discussed about: Are investors looking for apartments rather than houses these days...

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