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Bryce Holdaway Blog post by Bryce Holdaway

ABC Melbourne Radio – Bryce Holdaway with Jon Faine

Bryce Holdaway, Director, Property Advisor and Buyers Agent of Empower Wealth was interviewed by Jon Faine from ABC Melbourne Radio with the topic of the day; how is Australian’s housing choices changing and what is the trend looking like? In this session, Bryce discussed about:

  • Are investors looking for apartments rather than houses these days?
  • Do people prefer to rent than buy in order to be closer to their cafe lifestyle area?
  • How does lifestyle choice affect home buyer’s in the current market and does the generational gap play a role in that?

Bryce will also be answering a few questions from listeners which includes sharing home ownership with friends, body corporate issues, keeping an apartment in the metro area while living in the regional area and more!

This radio interview is separated into three different parts as below:

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