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When is the RIGHT Time to buy your First Home?

In the November issue of Money Magazine I contributed to an article written by Maria Bekiaris on the 10 Home Buyer Traps, which was all about the pitfalls waiting for home buyers to avoid costly mistakes. (It’s a great article by Maria, so get the November issue of Money). The article got me thinking about the first homer buyers and how I ofte...

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The Impact of Leverage

In earlier articles in this series, we have been discussing the “inputs” that will be required for an Investment Strategy talking about the different ways that money, time and knowledge will be required to plan, implement and manage an Investment Strategy and their impacts on the outcome of that strategy.  In the previous article, we discussed...

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ABC Melbourne Radio – Bryce Holdaway with Jon Faine

Bryce Holdaway, Director, Property Advisor and Buyers Agent of Empower Wealth was interviewed by Jon Faine from ABC Melbourne Radio with the topic of the day; how is Australian's housing choices changing and what is the trend looking like? In this session, Bryce discussed about: Are investors looking for apartments rather than houses these days...

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The 50 Something Couple

With retirement possibly around the corner, an investor in their 50's might not have the flexibility that younger investors do, but they can still make great money through property as this strategy shows. This time around, we are given a case study by Your Investment Property Magazine, of a couple in their early 50's with a combined income of $220...

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Are we about to experience a Property Boom?

Recently, the Australian property market had had a good run. Properties prices are growing rapidly, banks' interest rates on the other hand are dropping, home loans are increasing and even rental rates are increasing. It has been great on the property market but like always, what ever that goes up must come down. Are all these a symptom of a proper...

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Control your retirement income

When you retire, there are different financial factors to consider because you are no longer receiving income from employment. Adverse market movements can have a greater impact on your savings in retirement because you’re not replenishing your savings with a regular pay cheque. Additionally, when you’re employed your income generally increases...

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What does AFL, NRL and Mortgages Have in Common?

We love our sports; all the competitiveness and excitement that comes with it.  Have you ever wondered if the same spirit of sportsmanship also applies to scoring a good mortgage? Over the weekend we have seen the two major sporting codes Grand Finals.  These sporting contests are all about making ground on your opposition and putting scoreboa...

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Property Panel – Fixing your Interest Rates

Fixed interest rate and variable interest rate is another one a common debate points when choosing a mortgage loan. Sometimes, a fixed interest rate can be quite an advantage but on other times, it may be the cause of a difficult financial position. In this session of Melbourne Property TV (MPTV) Panel, Ben Kingsley and the panel discuss about the ...

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Fifty Shades of Underquoting

There are different levels of underquoting but when will it be considered unacceptable? As the media keeps reminding us, we find ourselves in the midst of a Buyer's market.  There are many aspects of this current market which also remind us of the current status; from lower than average auction clearance rates to reducing interest rates.  On...

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Why budgets don’t work!

Budgets are a bit like driving your car down the road with your windscreen totally blacked out only looking through the rear vision mirror - they simply measure history but that’s not enough.  Let me illustrate. Have you ever been guilty of impulse spending?  Whether it’s the pair of jeans you bought when you were meant to be just wind...

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