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Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

The Right Advice

2015 Nov API Magazine - The Right Advice - Ben Kingsley WEBSITE - CopyWith the property market as it is now and the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), most people often forget that the property investment industry is an unregulated one and there are a lot of spruikers lurking around.  In this issue of Australian Property Investor (API) Magazine, Ben Kingsley was asked to share his opinion as the chair of PIPA and explain more about using a qualified advisor and get the right advice when it comes to portfolio. Here’s a snippet of this article:

“Not all property advisers are equal. That’s lesson number one. So, when it comes to the property investment advice industry consumers need to remember: 1) The industry isn’t regulated, which means regulatory bodies such as ASIC don’t oversee it. 2) It’s not yet compulsory for advisers (who are dishing out property investment information) to have educational qualifications or even meet licensing requirements..

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