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loan approval
Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

What to Do When the Banks Say “No”

loan approval

Been rejected by the bank?

Need loan approval?

Ben and Bryce’s 5-page feature in Your Investment Property Magazine is a very timely yet timeless insight into what the banks REALLY look for when assessing your loan.

With in excess of 3.5 million borrowing applications declined each year, the rise in loan rejections by banks is a very real possibility for property investors and homebuyers. But there are some things you can do if your loan application has been rejected, or you fear it might be.


This article discusses…

Want more info?

The book mentioned in this featured article is Bryce and Ben’s newly released book, Make Money Simple Again  — a “No B.S money system that works!”. Together they reveal the secrets behind their proven 7-step money management system – MoneySMARTS – that, once set up, will help you achieve financial peace in less that 10 minutes a month.

Get more details on the book here.

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