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Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

Three Unexpected Benefits of Investing in Property

SPI Mag investing in property jan 2015
There are many reason why property is a popular investment selection – some better known than others. In the January 2014 Issue of Smart Property Investment (SPI) Magazine, Ben Kingsley outlines three key benefits you might not have previously considered.

Here’s a snippet of the article:

“Investment in residential property is currently at an all-time high. You can’t go a couple of days without some media coverage on the current upswing in property values and the level of investor activity in the marketplace. Housing bubbles, booming values, affordability, record-low interest rates, supply shortage, auction clearance rates, struggling first home buyers – property is certainly getting its fair share of media attention. Then there’s the Reserve Bank of Australia who are also giving property plenty of air time in an attempt to ensure it doesn’t become a catalyst for a serious economic downturn due to a price-led bubble. But in spite of all that, what are the three unexpected benefits of Investing in Property?”

Click on the article to read more.

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