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Financial Sacrifices and Choices

This month commentary has evolved from the clear message that comes out of ANZAC day each year – Sacrifice.  Our Diggers’ case represents the most poignant and refined definition of the word.  The men and women of Australia back then and today are still choosing to make a sacrifice for the greater good of their community.  Some of them makin...

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The Impact of Capital Growth

In an earlier newsletter, we identified that there are many different investment vehicles available to use in a strategy designed to deliver long term wealth creation, and that these different approaches differ in a number of key characteristics, including : their upfront and ongoing cost in terms of both time and money, the extent to which ...

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Can You Compete and Beat the Best?

Did you stay up and watch that Epic men’s final of the Australian Open between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal?  WOW, what a match!  I confess I only watch it up until around midnight when the rain delay hit, as yes I needed to go to work in the morning. In watching that match it staggered me just how two men can hit the ball so hard and so ...

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Complicating Simple

Throughout the business world over the years there has been a lot of discussion about concepts and/or theories around best business practice, thought leadership theories etc, etc.  Great sayings like “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” to the complete opposite of “if it isn’t broke, break it”........ My observations from my time in ...

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From Plan to Strategy

In previous newsletters, we have discussed the first two stages in Money Planning - knowing where you are now and deciding where you want to be (and when).  The next step in the process is to develop some ideas about different strategies you may adopt to get from your current situation to your desired future state and the pros and cons of each pos...

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Why is Money Planning Important?

Imagine for a moment that you have decided that you want a new Home. However, to this point you haven’t thought about what you want the home to look like, how many bedrooms, living areas, or outdoor spaces it should have, how much it might cost, or how you are going to pay for it. How likely do you think it is that you will get what you want whe...

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You Motivate You – But We Can Help

A few months back I attended a professional development day, which is part of holding my qualifications as a licensed finance broker. These types of events can be a bit hit and miss, but I always take the view that you can never stop learning and improving, so even at some of the dud events I usually still get one or two key points or ideas to take...

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