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Bryce Holdaway Blog post by Bryce Holdaway

Perth suburbs star

The West Australian - Perth Suburbs Star - Sept 2014This time, the new season of Location Location Location Australia brings Bryce back to Perth. The West Australian has taken this opportunity to interview him on his most recent purchase. Here’s a snippet of the article:

“As the Perth-raised co-host of Location Location Location Australia, Bryce Holdaway is often quizzed by WA viewers as to why the LifeStyle channel’s house-hunting series ducks out on his home State. But the real-estate aficionado insists it’s not from a lack of trying.

“We tend to get a bit of feedback from Perth people who watch the show asking ‘Why aren’t you coming to Perth’ but we just needed people to put their hand up,” Holdaway explained while in town earlier this year to film the show. “We definitely want more West Aussies for the show. I’d love to do 10 episodes right here in WA.”

Thankfully, Perth gets a look-in this season. Various Perth suburbs are on show in tonight’s episode, which trails Holdaway as he helps WA couple Brian and Jane find their dream home. Finding a home marks a big step up for the couple as they prepare to move in together for the first time.”

Click on the article to read more.

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