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Bryce Holdaway Blog post by Bryce Holdaway

Off Market Opportunities

API Magazine – Off market opportunities - October 2015 THUMBIf you are active in the property industry, chances are you would have heard about this thing called “off market opportunities”. To some, this almost seems like a VIP only access and exclusive to a selected few. In this issue of Australian Property Investor (API) Magazine, Bryce Holdaway was asked to share his opinion as a Buyers Agent and to help the readers understand what exactly are off market properties and how can they get them. Here’s a snippet of this article:

“Every investor dreams about buying a gem of a property before it officially hits the market. If it’s offered exclusively to you before it’s advertised on one of the real estate portals – or even marketed to an agent’s database – then chances are you can purchase it for a cheaper price. There’ll be no competition driving the price up, and consequently you’ll be in the driver’s seat when it comes to negotiating.”

Click on the image to read the rest of the article.

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