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Generation Wealth

It's never too early or too late to start building your property portfolio. In the July 2014 issue of API Magazine (Australian Property Investor) uncovers the eight best tips and tricks to building wealth for your generation. "If only I started investing in property 10 years ago". We hear that sentence time and time again and yet so many people co...

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Generational Shift

>> Play Audio Here   In this interview with Kevin Turner from Real Estate Talk, Bryce Holdaway, Director of Empower Wealth and Co-Host of Location Location Location Australia says the great Australian dream has changed. There has been a generational shift. He explains what that means and how understanding what this generation is lookin...

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ABC Melbourne Radio – Bryce Holdaway with Jon Faine

Bryce Holdaway, Director, Property Advisor and Buyers Agent of Empower Wealth was interviewed by Jon Faine from ABC Melbourne Radio with the topic of the day; how is Australian's housing choices changing and what is the trend looking like? In this session, Bryce discussed about: Are investors looking for apartments rather than houses these days...

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Why budgets don’t work!

Budgets are a bit like driving your car down the road with your windscreen totally blacked out only looking through the rear vision mirror - they simply measure history but that’s not enough.  Let me illustrate. Have you ever been guilty of impulse spending?  Whether it’s the pair of jeans you bought when you were meant to be just wind...

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Will House Prices Slow Over the Longer Term?

I read with interest an article relating to a study by the Switzerland Bank for International Settlements, which indicated that house price growth may slow by up to 30% over the next 40 years due to Australia's ageing population.  The study highlighted that demographics factors resulting from the baby boomers pushed up Australian House Prices by...

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