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Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

What’s happening in Easter this year?

A shortage of good property and increased interest from First Home Buyers leading up to the June 30 deadline for the Boost Package to lapse is making it hard going for both home buyers and investors in the ‘quality’ locations both in Melbourne and within all major Australian Cities.

My comment is twofold this month:

1. Staying the course: – Buying well is all about solid research and consistency in collecting and using this research. In some cases it has taken Jane and I over 6 months to secure an ‘outperform’ property in a great location, and that also meant that almost every weekend we were out and about looking at localised neighbourhoods, attending auctions to get a range of price levels, quality of stock, etc, etc.

2. Look at Expanding Search Area: – As most of you who read my comments each month know, my wife and I are currently in the market to purchase again, as we too have been frustrated by the lack of quality around. Good locations and great ‘classic’ properties will always generate great competition, so you just have to accept that, yet if the time is ‘now’ in terms of securing a property, then like Jane and I, we opted to open up our location search to over 11 suburbs, within the inner circle of Melbourne. By doing this we were able to increase the number of properties that met our criteria, and given we are seeing signs of increased interest and price growth for these properties now, we didn’t want to sit on the fence for another couple of months and then pay tens of thousands of dollars more as the market upswing gathers momentum.

Fortunately for us, our search is almost over, having purchased last week, subject to a couple of outstanding items on the contract. So be open minded, as there are many great residential pockets within a lot of great suburbs within 10 – 15km from all major cities, offering excellent lifestyle, amenities, schools etc, etc.

If you want to learn how to conduct better searches and fast track your locations, make sure you book into our eSearch Superior Property Workshop – It will be the best $99 you ever spend when it comes to research and property education..


Wishing you all a Happy Easter and a safe and enjoyable long weekend!

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