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Empower Wealth Blog post by Empower Wealth

Empower Wealth Wins Property Investment Advisor of The Year!!

It’s true — Empower Wealth wins Property Investment Advisor of The Year!!

The best property services in Australia were revealed in Your Investment Property Magazine’s October 2018 edition… and we were lucky enough to be announced the #1 property investment advisors in the country! This marks our third win in this category — with Ben Kingsley, Empower Wealth Founder and Managing Director, being recognised for this highly sought-after industry award in both 2014 and 2015.

This is very much an exciting time for our company, our clients and those we provide property investment education too as, together, we continue to achieve profound milestones and make the road to financial freedom a safe and rewarding one.

Please click the image to read the full article as it appeared in Your Investment Property Magazine, or read below.


“Market investment education is critical to wealth creation through property, as it helps ensure that people are not blindly investing their money. The winner of our Property Advisor category demonstrates a genuine commitment to helping others achieve financial success. Congratulations Empower Wealth!”

Ranked last year at number 72 in Australian Financial Review’s Fast 100 list of fast growing companies in Australia, Empower Wealth is going from strength to strength in the property advisory space.

Every property advisor on the team has achieved their Qualified Property Investment Advisor (QPIA) qualification to provide best-of-breed advice — and this is just the beginning of Empower Wealth’s commitment to their clients.

“Our fee-for-service advice, as we don’t accept commission kick backs, sees us create completely unique plans to suit each client. It’s not a generic plan, so it takes several weeks, multiple meetings and many man-hours with each client to develop and sign off.” Says Ben Kingsley, director of Empower Wealth.

After many months of detailed development, in August 2017 the company also released its new cloud-based client portal called My Wealth Portal.

“It’s purpose is to give clients a central store of information relating to their money, property and overall financial position, as well as being a strong communication platform between clients and their advisors.” Kingsley says.

“Developed and built-in-house from the ground up, it’s the next generation of interactive intelligence between a client and their advisors. We’ve already seen our clients benefiting in terms of improved productivity and less friction points in the overall service delivery, and this type of technological innovation ensures we are ahead of the pack as further fintech and proptech evolve.”


“Showing outstanding year-on-year growth of 73% when many in this field suffered a decline, Empower Wealth’s client survey results showed customer satisfaction at 91% for overall satisfaction and 98% being willing to recommend their services. The release of a cloud based client portal demonstrates a progressive client focus and the ability to harness technology to grow.” Kevin Turner, Real Estate Talk and Real Estate Uncut.

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