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Is the Real Estate Agent a Friend or Foe?

I’m often amused by the antagonistic approach that some buyers adopt when dealing with a real estate agent in the midst of a negotiation.  Sure, the agent is employed by the seller to get them the best price and terms and draw as much money as they possibly can from the buyer but equally, they’re a crucial cog in the chain for you getting the ...

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Top 3 Tips for Buying Property at Auction

I must admit, I‘m incredibly fortunate to enjoy the professional life that I do.  I get significant job satisfaction in my role as Director of Empower Wealth helping our clients achieve their financial goals through residential property investment - as was recently featured in the cover story of the March Money Magazine  “Earn $2,500 per week...

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Earn $2,500 a Week by Building a Property Portfolio

How often have you found yourself picturing a retirement where you’re enjoying regular overseas holidays, spending your spare time with your grandkids and leisurely filling up your days doing all the things you love? We all have but we’re brought down to earth quickly by reports suggesting there won’t be enough money for a comfortable retirem...

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Passing on Your Portfolio

Keen Property Investors are always working towards improving and diversifying their portfolio to get the best possible return later on in life. But what happens when it is time to pass on the legacy to the next generation? Is it as easy as merely signing on the dotted lines in the will or perhaps there is more to that? This time on Smart Property ...

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ABC Melbourne Radio – Bryce Holdaway with Jon Faine

Bryce Holdaway, Director, Property Advisor and Buyers Agent of Empower Wealth was interviewed by Jon Faine from ABC Melbourne Radio with the topic of the day; how is Australian's housing choices changing and what is the trend looking like? In this session, Bryce discussed about: Are investors looking for apartments rather than houses these days...

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Are we about to experience a Property Boom?

Recently, the Australian property market had had a good run. Properties prices are growing rapidly, banks' interest rates on the other hand are dropping, home loans are increasing and even rental rates are increasing. It has been great on the property market but like always, what ever that goes up must come down. Are all these a symptom of a proper...

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Why budgets don’t work!

Budgets are a bit like driving your car down the road with your windscreen totally blacked out only looking through the rear vision mirror - they simply measure history but that’s not enough.  Let me illustrate. Have you ever been guilty of impulse spending?  Whether it’s the pair of jeans you bought when you were meant to be just wind...

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Million dollar portfolio

Everyone aspires to have a million dollar portfolio. How nice and comfortable will it be? On top of that, let's not forget the additional recognition and boasting power that will give you during the weekend and Christmas barbeques. But let's face it. It's not easy. Buying the first property can already be hard for some let alone buying a few of the...

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