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Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

Wealth Building Strategy for your Life Stages

API Magazine - Wealth building strategy for your life stages - Feb 2016Every life stages that you go through comes with different wants and needs. When you are fresh out of university, some of you would want to explore the world and experience more while others might jump straight into the corporate ladder and focus on building their career. As you grow older and found your significant other, things will change again. You would either want to build a family or perhaps travel more. Similarly, at each life stage, your investment strategy would differ.

On this cover story of Australian Property Investor (API) Magazine, Ben Kingsley and other property experts have commented and provide guidance on what kind of wealth building strategy for your life stages. Here’s the list of life stages mentioned in this article:

  • S FT (single first timer) : 18-35 years old, one income, no dependent, has potential to have a reasonable deposit saved and ambitions to build a solid portfolio for early retirement
  • SS (seasoned single): 18-35 years old, one income, owned at least one investment property, also has ambitions to build a solid portfolio for early retirement
  • YC FT (young couple first timers): 18-35 years old, two incomes, has potential to have a reasonable deposit saved, no dependents but thinking of starting a family
  • SC (seasoned couple): 18-49 years old, have either single or double income, already have at least one investment property, no dependents but might start a family in the future
  • F FT (family first timer): 25-49 years old, is a single or double income household, young dependents
  • SF (seasoned family): 25-49 years old, is a single or double income household, already have at least one investment property
  • M FT (mature first timer): 50-65 years old, no dependents, no investment property
  • SM (seasoned mature): 50-65 years old, no dependents, owned at least one investment property

Find out what investors in each life stages should and shouldn’t be doing in that time and what kind of tips they should implement when building a property portfolio.

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