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MyWealth Portal Tutorials: MoneyFIT

(Editor’s Note: MyWealth Portal rebranded to Moorr in July 2022) In this tutorial I'm going to be talking to you about MoneyFIT, which is effectively a question that I'm asking you… Are you MoneyFIT? Well, what do you mean by that? Well, what we're trying to do is give you an idea of how you can compare yourself against your peer...

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MyWealth Portal Tutorials: MoneySMARTS

(Editor's Note: MyWealth Portal rebranded to Moorr in July 2022.) I'm really excited to be doing this tutorial because we're getting down into the MoneySMARTS section of MyWealth Portal. Now remember, you've got your manual which is the best-seller book, Make Money Simple Again. We've sent you your manual (in your email), so make sure you get f...

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MyWealth Portal Tutorials: How to Log In

(Editor’s Note: MyWealth Portal rebranded to Moorr in July 2022.) Hi Ben Kingsley here. In this tutorial video about MyWealth Portal, I'm going to teach you how to actually get into MyWealth Portal for the very first time. Now it's really easy. By now, you would have been sent an email and inside that email there's a couple of instru...

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New Features Introduced for MoneySMARTS!

Good day, Ben Kingsley here, Managing Director of Empower Wealth and I am thrilled to be able to share with you one of the latest features we have on Moorr, which is free for all of our customers and in fact, free for the public to use. And that is our MoneyFIT section. (Sign in to Moorr here: Now you probably got a question mark ...

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How Much Money is Enough?

If you stopped work today, how much money would you have to live off before it all ran out? If you stopped work today, how much income would your investments generate?  Would it be enough to live off?  Would you eventually have to sell down on your investments to ensure you had enough money to live off? How much is enough? If you have read s...

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From Strategy to Action

In previous newsletters, we have discussed the three stages in Money Planning: knowing where you are now - developing a picture of your current Financial Position, deciding where you want to be (and when) - thinking about how much passive income you will need to allow you to be financially independent, and deciding on the best way to get fr...

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Money Choices

In this month’s comment I’m putting my focus on discretionary and lifestyle spending decision with a goal of just making people contemplate a little harder before making such decisions or continuing with the money choices they currently make... Smoking: Based on research conducted by Galaxy for Pfizer in 2009, the average smoker spends $2,50...

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Why is Money Planning Important?

Imagine for a moment that you have decided that you want a new Home. However, to this point you haven’t thought about what you want the home to look like, how many bedrooms, living areas, or outdoor spaces it should have, how much it might cost, or how you are going to pay for it. How likely do you think it is that you will get what you want whe...

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Credit Card & Refinancing Debt

Ok, so the festive season has passed and the credit card and bank statements are starting to hit the inbox or the letter box for us old timers.  A good festive season was had by all on the plastic, but now’s the time to find the cash flow to pay it off to ensure the interest we pay remains the lowest possible. Other than a short term fix of s...

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What is Money Planning? (MONEY)

Over the past few months, you may have noticed the phrase “Money Planning” appearing in communications from Empower Wealth and wondered what it means.  Not to be confused with Financial Planning, we have invented the term Money Planning to describe a new range of services designed to assist our clients to get the most from their money. So, wh...

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