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Three Simple Tips to Keep a Good Credit Rating

Gaining and maintaining good credit is one of the most important things a person can do for themselves. Credit is something that is often confusing to people who are looking to start building their credit and a daily necessity to those that have an established history. Following the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), Australia is now using a system wh...

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What do the Banks look for when Lending Money?

So you are thinking about actually getting a loan? What is it that the Banks are going to be looking for in terms of being able to lend you money for a mortgage? There's actually 5Cs that allow them to do that. Character, Capacity, Conditions, Collateral and Common Sense. So let's explore all five! The first one is Character. When they are talki...

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How Do Lenders Assess Loans?

Gone are the days when you can just go down to your local bank branch and get loan approval because of your longstanding relationship with the manager. These days lenders have become quite sophisticated in their method of assessing loans - it’s now all about Risk Assessment. For years, lenders have been compiling data about every one of their ...

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Consumer Credit Report & Risk Scoring

Credit Scoring is a complicated and weighted measure of a credit report profile which lenders use to assess credit-worthiness based upon modelled statistical analysis.  In other words, how others with the same credit characteristics tend to repay their bills and the likelihood of the creditor getting repaid. With the tightening of lending over th...

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