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Ben Kingsley Blog post by Ben Kingsley

Fat Profits

API Magazine – Fat Profits - July 2015 THUMBNAIL (2)These investors share their strategies to build fast equity in their million-dollar-plus portfolios so you can do it, too. In this issue of Australian Property Investor (API) Magazine, Ben Kingsley and other property experts shares some of their property investment strategies and how fat profits can be made. Ben is also discussing some of his concerns in some type of strategies. Here’s a snippet of this article:

“Many of us love real estate as an investment vehicle for reasons beyond just the numbers. Property is tactile, solid and steady. It’s a sensory investment that’s tangible and real with practical application. Ever tried to build a shelter from your share portfolio? It isn’t easy. Property has that long-term feel and is renowned for its stead-as-she-goes investment potential. Many are happy to sit and wait, riding the …”

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