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Empower Wealth Blog post by Empower Wealth

UPDATE: Abolishment of the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO)

The Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO) has been a pivotal component of the Australian taxation landscape for several years. It served as a financial relief mechanism for individuals falling within the low to middle-income brackets, encompassing anyone with a taxable income of up to $126,000.

The primary objective of LMITO was to alleviate the tax burden on individuals with modest earnings, offering them a well-deserved break. The amount of this offset was intricately designed to be progressive, ensuring that those who needed it most received the most substantial benefits.

For those earning less than $37,000, the LMITO provided a significant boost to their financial well-being, amounting to a generous $675. As one’s income gradually climbed between $37,001 and $48,000, the tax offset followed suit, incrementally increasing until it reached a maximum of $1,500. This gradual progression provided relief to individuals on the cusp of middle-income status, acknowledging their contributions to the Australian economy.

The LMITO’s generosity continued for those with taxable incomes ranging from $48,000 to $90,000, as they received the maximum offset of $1,500. This segment of the population, often referred to as the middle class, found considerable relief through this measure, affording them the ability to allocate more of their hard-earned income towards personal savings, investments, or simply improving their quality of life. As one’s income exceeded $90,000, the offset began to phase out gradually. This means that individuals earning more than this threshold would see a reduction in the amount of tax offset they received. Eventually, once their income reached $126,000, the LMITO would disappear entirely.

In essence, the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset played a crucial role in the Australian tax system by fostering a fairer and more progressive approach. It recognized the diverse financial circumstances of individuals across the income spectrum, offering targeted support to those who needed it most, while ensuring that higher-income earners received less assistance. This multi-tiered approach to taxation not only promoted economic equity but also facilitated financial stability and growth for countless Australians.

However, it’s important to note that the LMITO wasn’t an indefinite benefit.

The LMITO ended on 30 June 2022. The last year you can receive it is the 2021–22 income year.

To learn more about this, please refer to ATO’s website here:

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