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Seven Ways To Jeopardise A Deal

So one of the things that you should always consider when you are buying a property is that it really comes down to four parts when you are doing a deal. You got to Clarify what you are after; you got to go and Find the properties whether they are off-market or on-market; you got to Assess the property that you found against the criteria that you c...

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What could go Wrong at Unconditional?

A couple of things that could go wrong once a contract proceeds unconditionally is the finance. The Finance may not have been in place so there might be a couple of special conditions that the bank imposes that the clients weren't aware of at the time. Examples could be, they require you to pay out of Visa cards prior to settlement just to bring ...

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Why are people so scared of auctions?

It’s true. Melbournians are scared of auctions. For some, the very idea of an auction sends adrenaline rushing, but for others it throws a great property listing onto the scrapheap before they have even seen it in real life. We constantly field questions about auctions and introduce ideas for clients to combat some of their auction concerns. ...

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