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Bad Time for Property Investment?

Ben appears again in Money Magazine’s Special Edition issue, this time in a Q&A surrounding some hard questions about the current market climate for property investors. With the spotlight on changes to borrowing, Federal Budget restrictions and depreciation claims, a light shadow looms on certain investors. Is it a bad time for property inves...

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Timing the Market vs. Time in the Market

A contentious topic that has left property experts in disagreement, timing the market versus time in the market is a debatable area in deciding which method is the better way to invest in property. First of all, let's be very clear of the definition. Timing the market refers to an investor getting into the market cycle when it's at the bottom of t...

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Considerations for borderless investing

Anyone who’s a regular watcher of our videos will know that we’re proponents of borderless investing because not all of the states move in the same cycle. So whilst we think that time in the markets is a very good thing, we also think that an extension of that is actually timing the market to make sure that you’re in the state that’s got th...

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When is the right time to buy residential properties

Here in Empower Wealth, we are often asked, “When is the right time to buy residential investment properties?” And the question is really back on you in terms of how is your financial circumstances? Are you in the position that you can afford to buy now and hold on to the property for the long term? Because I want to show you something here as ...

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Detecting a turning market

In this episode of Real Estate Talk, Kevin Turner interviews Ben Kingsley and ask him about the signs he looks for to detect a turning market. Here's the transcript: Kevin:  One of the things I find that a lot of investors do is spend a lot of time trying to pick the market – that is, trying to pick which markets are going to go and which mark...

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Buy and Hold vs Timing the Market

There is no single path to successful property investment - different approaches and strategies will work at different times for each investor. As we always said at Empower Wealth, there is never a one size fits all strategy. Every individual and every household is unique so make sure to tailor your property investment strategy. In the January 2014...

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Timing Your Purchase?

A lot of commentary, opinion and theories go into the ‘melting pot’ when it comes to the ‘TIMING’ of purchasing any investment asset and this is no different when it comes timing the purchase of a Residential Property, whether for owner occupier or investment.  There are those that will put a call out there ‘Now’s the time’ and those...

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Property Prices – Where to from here?

Those of us in the Melbourne and Sydney markets are seeing property values grow at an astonishing rate. So much so that at a very near point in time, they may be overvalued. I know the first question that’s coming to mind—”when will this be?” As those of you looking to get into the markets are thinking, I’ll just wait until the right t...

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Is it Time to Invest Again?

There is no doubt that residential property has withstood the doomsayers’ predictions of massive price falls of up to 40%, following the GFC.  The reasons it has stood up are well documented; Record low interest rates, a housing shortage, high rental demand, growing population, government stimulus in the form of First Home Owners incentives etc....

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