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Damon’s Story

I was always interested in Empower Wealth and their values and what they talk about.

So when it came to looking for a financial plan and so forth, I was like, well, let’s give it a whirl and see what happens. And it seemed like it was very educational as well. And then from there, I went to the Mortgage team and stated that this is what I was looking for—I actually found a property I liked—and went from there basically.

I got in touch with Alana and said, I know this might not be pretty… this might be out of the ordinary, but I need a loan in two months. Can you help me out!?!

The communication was very clear, and she made it really easy to understand, step by step, where you are.

I’m a first home buyer, so I didn’t really know the whole process and the jargon of it all, so it was really good to be able to call up the team, and to say look, what does this actually mean? What am I signing here? What does this piece of paper refer to?

It was really good in that sense because I had no clue really, and it was really good the way they were able to break it down and say, look, this is A, B and C this is how it relates to you, ABC.

Got me a good deal as well, so I was really happy with that, and she fit my criteria. So she sort of said, well, what are you after? Are you after this, that, and this? And… I’ll go for that. So it was good.

Definitely exciting. But it’s still one of those things like, you know, is it mine? You’re home, in the door, and you’re like, sweet, but now ‘cos it’s your home, you start noticing little things—I want to fix this, I want to do that. You don’t want to do this. Don’t do that. I don’t want that wall there; the kitchen’s too small, and it’s just like, here we go, here we go, sort of roller coaster.

So I’ve witnessed that as well from friends and stuff, who are very excited for me.

I’d just explain to them our process, how much I enjoyed it, and how easy it was for me, and just start from there.

They made me available on the phone and stuff and made things easy, and I loved it.



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