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Let's get you started with MyWealth Portal!

Your login detail is in the email we sent to you but if you're keen to get started now, just scroll down for more details!

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Download Google Chrome

Before you start, make sure you are using the right browser. The portal works best with Google Chrome and on a desktop too.

Log In With your Email

Once you've got Google Chrome, just log in with your email and temporary password below!

Enjoy Financial Peace

Follow the security prompts and that's it! Start your financial transformation today.


Are you wondering...

Why should you log in and set up Money SMARTS on MyWealth Portal?

  • It will be your home for all your financial needs and affairs
  • It’s the easiest and fastest way to implement Money SMARTS to control and thrive with your money
  • Easy to read and understand Financial Dashboards
  • Money SMARTS help you make sure you Don’t “Unconsciously” Overspend Ever Again
  • It lays out your Financial Position in simple and easy-to-understand graphs and charts
  • Keeps you accountable and on track of your spending

So what are you waiting for?
Download Google Chrome here
and check it out right now!

Here’s your log in details:
Email: [your nominated email]
Temporary Password: empower1234

How To Use the MyWealth Portal

To help you implement Money SMARTS successfully, we have also created a series of short tutorial videos. These videos explain exactly how to use the MyWealth Portal so you can unlock the powerful benefit of this platform. Plus, you also get an inside look into what the portal looks like!

What our Clients Say

I feel like financially my wife and I are already in a better way. Between the Money SMARTS system and a long term plan we feel transformed.

Miles Gyuricza

The book is terrific. Has really provided clarity for how to achieve what I am trying to. As I handle the finances in the household I appreciated the section on how to get your partner on board.

Simon Campbell

Not only have they helped develop a plan, their MoneySmart system is helping me to save every week! Empower Wealth is a fantastic one-stop company for property investment!

Andrew Court

Excellent book has set my wife and I on the correct financial path using Money Smarts. Thank you for making is a free book. The platform is also straight forward and easy to set up with heaps of information on your financial position which you can track monthly. Thank you for developing this excellent free software.

Gary McLean

Real Life Stories

Find out how some of our members have implemented Money SMARTS to trap more surplus money!

Our Awards

Innovator of the Year

MyWealth Portal is just the start of our innovation process to improve financial literacy among everyday Australians. We’re are on a crusade to help more Australians achieve Financial Peace. To do this, we have developed a 7-step money management system – Money SMARTS – that, once set up, will help you achieve Financial Peace in less than 10 minutes a month.


Ben Kingsley
Managing Director

We are continuously upgrading our MyWealth Portal. Although our Money SMARTS System has been around for some time, this online platform was released in early 2017. Since then, we have a dedicated team of developers and advisors to create and constantly update new features to give our valued members feedback with graphs and charts that they find helpful.

Your Copy of the Book Should Be In Your Email By Now ;)  

Negative Gearing Video Series


Free Money Mag Cover Story – Retire 2k


Make Money Simple Again


Free Report – Tax 2024 Golden Year


Book an Appointment


Free Finance Review

To claim your free and no-obligation finance review,
simply re-confirm if we’ve got your correct details.




Free Reports


Keen to Get Started Now?

That’s great!! Before you start, make sure you are using
the right browser. The portal works best with Google Chrome.
If you don’t have one installed on your computer,
click here to install it.


And here’s your log in details:

Email: [your nominated email]
Temporary Password: empower1234


Click on the button below to log in
or go to


Create Your Free Account Below!


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