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Are women better at property investing?

When it comes to property investing, the question is who actually makes for the better property investor? Is it the men or is it the women? Now, I'm probably not the most balanced person to answer that question because clearly I have an agenda out of that but I was recently chatting with Veronica Morgan who is my co-host on Location Location Locati...

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No place for emotion

When you are starting out in property investing, there is a very slim chance that you would be able to pull it off mistake-free. Sometimes, it gets even worse when emotion comes into place and affects how you make your investment decisions. So in this Money Magazine's Special Edition 2016, Ben and other property experts share their tips for choosi...

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Seven Mistakes Property Investors Make

Look, I'm in this privileged position where I get to see a lot of property investors and the decisions that they made, not only in the last couple of years but quite often over a period of many many years. It's not until you get the opportunity to look backwards and see the decisions that people make to see where you can fine tune and make some dif...

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The Buyers’ Decision Quadrant

I'm always finding when people are buying real estate whether they are buying it for themselves to live in or they are buying it for an investment property, they are faced with some form of compromise. We've thought about this a lot and usually it is one of four things. So we've come up with what's called the Buyers' Decision Quadrant. It's really ...

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How to negotiate a great property deal out there?

Buying a property in a buyer’s market is a lot easier than buying in a seller’s market. With abundant properties, slow-moving sales, and low prices, you can snag a good deal even with rusty negotiation skills. Unfortunately, the Australian property market is not currently a buyer’s paradise. Across the country, prices have been steadily risin...

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The 7 Biggest Property Investment Mistakes

If I were to ask you what do you feel more comfortable with, investing in shares or property? The majority of people would say property.  The reason for this is because property is something that we all have experienced in our lives, so naturally we automatically assume we understand it better than shares or managed funds.  Shares on the other h...

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Why budgets don’t work!

Budgets are a bit like driving your car down the road with your windscreen totally blacked out only looking through the rear vision mirror - they simply measure history but that’s not enough.  Let me illustrate. Have you ever been guilty of impulse spending?  Whether it’s the pair of jeans you bought when you were meant to be just wind...

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Buyer Impatience Drives Property Price Growth

I recall way back when I was studying there were future projections about  how the rapid advances with computers were forecasted to deliver us so much more leisure time in the future,  because they were going to increase our productivity and efficiencies at work, meaning we would get the work done quicker then head home and enjoy life. How wro...

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